
 Chapter 1: Getting started with Python Language Python 3.x Version Release Date 3.8 2020-04-29 3.7 2018-06-27 3.6 2016-12-23 3.5 2015-09-13 3.4 2014-03-17 3.3 2012-09-29 3.2 2011-02-20 3.1 2009-06-26 3.0 2008-12-03 Python 2.x Version Release Date 2.7 2010-07-03 2.6 2008-10-02 2.5 2006-09-19 2.4 2004-11-30 2.3 2003-07-29 2.2 2001-12-21 2.1 2001-04-15 2.0 2000-10-16 Section 1.1: Getting Started  Python is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management and supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative, functional programming, and procedural styles. It has a large and comprehensive standard library. Two major versions of Python are currently in active use: Python 3.x is the current version and is under active development. Python 2.x is the legacy version and will receive only security updates...

बाड़े की कील

बहुत समय पहले की बात है, एक गाँव में एक लड़का रहता था. वह बहुत ही गुस्सैल था, छोटी-छोटी बात पर अपना आप खो बैठता और लोगों को भला-बुरा कह देता. उसकी इस आदत से परेशान होकर एक दिन उसके पिता ने उसे कीलों से भरा हुआ एक थैला दिया और कहा कि , ” अब जब भी तुम्हे गुस्सा आये तो तुम इस थैले में से एक कील निकालना और बाड़े में ठोक देना.”  पहले दिन उस लड़के को चालीस बार गुस्सा किया और इतनी ही कीलें बाड़े में ठोंक दी.पर  धीरे-धीरे कीलों  की संख्या घटने लगी,उसे लगने लगा की कीलें ठोंकने में इतनी मेहनत करने से अच्छा है कि अपने क्रोध पर काबू किया जाए और अगले कुछ हफ्तों में उसने अपने गुस्से पर बहुत हद्द तक  काबू करना सीख लिया. और फिर एक दिन ऐसा आया कि उस लड़के ने पूरे दिन में एक बार भी अपना temper नहीं loose किया. जब उसने अपने पिता को ये बात बताई तो उन्होंने ने फिर उसे एक काम दे दिया, उन्होंने कहा कि ,” अब हर उस दिन जिस दिन तुम एक बार भी गुस्सा ना करो इस बाड़े से एक कील निकाल निकाल देना.” लड़के ने ऐसा ही किया, और बहुत समय बाद वो दिन भी आ गया जब लड़के ने बाड़े में लगी आखि...

Compact stun guns

The compact handheld stun guns are about the size of a TV remote or calculator, and they must touch the subject when used. The original XR-5000 design in 1983 had the electrodes spread farther apart to make the noisy electric arc between the electrodes as a more visible warning. Some such devices are available disguised as other objects, such as umbrellas,  mobile phones  or pens. Electric shock prods Electric cattle prod from the 1950s The larger  baton-style  prods are similar in basic design to an electric  cattle prod . It has a metal end split into two parts electrically insulated from each other, or two thin projecting metal  electrodes  about 2.5 centimetres (1 in) apart, at an end of a shaft containing the batteries and mechanism. At the other end of the shaft are a handle and a switch. Both electrodes must touch the subject. In some types the sides of the baton can be electrified to stop the subject from grasping the baton ...

Electroshock weapon

A Taser, with cartridge removed, making an  electric arc  between its two  electrodes An  electroshock weapon  is an incapacitating  weapon . It delivers an  electric shock  aimed at temporarily disrupting  muscle  functions and/or inflicting  pain  without causing significant  injury . Many types of these devices exist. Stun guns, batons (or prods), and belts administer an electric shock by direct contact, whereas  Tasers (conducted electrical weapons) fire projectiles that administer the shock through thin flexible wires. Long-range electroshock projectiles, which can be fired from ordinary shotguns and do not need the wires, have also been developed.     

Machine gun

A  .50 caliber   M2 machine gun :  John Browning 's design has been one of the longest serving and most successful machine gun designs Top:  IMI Negev  (light machine gun). Bottom:  FN MAG  (general purpose machine gun). Czechoslovak 7.62 mm  Universal Machine gun Model 1959 . A  machine gun  is a  fully automatic  mounted or  portable firearm  designed to fire bullets  in rapid succession from an  ammunition belt  or  magazine , typically at a rate of 300 rounds per minute or higher. Not all fully automatic firearms are machine guns. Submachine guns ,  rifles ,  assault rifles ,  shotguns ,  pistols  or  cannons  may be capable of fully automatic fire, but are not designed for sustained fire. As a class of military rapid-fire guns, machine guns are fully automatic weapons designed to be used as support weapons and generally used when att...